Wade and I flew to Seattle. It was a lot of fun.
I am so glad my brother went too because he was really good at helping out with Wade. He also pushed the stroller while carrying our heavy bags. :) If you have been to Seattle you would know that the steep hills are endless.
We drove to Vancouver Canada. It was a beautiful place, but I thought the town was really ghetto. It looked like down town Salt Lake. Which I should also mention that my brother was offered drugs when he walked out of our hotel.

At the conclusion of our trip we decided with all the beautiful places in the world, why do we live in Utah?
We have spent a lot of time outside. Wade's favorite thing is being able to play with the hose.
We drive up the canyon, which you wouldn't even imagine the scenery would be possible if you saw where we lived.
We can thank the environmentalist that there are two fires in our backyard and we get to breath in a cloud of smoke every day not too mention lose this beautiful view. You can see the beetle kill in the background. The Forest Service started a huge project clearing out the dead trees, but the environmentalist stopped the project. They said they wanted nature to take its curse. So sure enough it has. Didn't take much and you can see why it's hard to control with all that dead wood.